"So far seen 4 out of 101?! I have a lot of trash to watch"

"Royston Vasey, made famous by The League of Gentlemen, its a local town for local people, you'll have no trouble here - both fictional and murderous."

"What on earth is there to celebrate about? Osama? He's been dead a long time. But good time to announce it in US. Bhutto released the news of his death on November 2, 2007 in an interview with Al-Jaz"

"Shaun of the Dead: Cricket Bat? Noooo Surely LPs!"

"More successful, but not better http://www.listal.com/list/deja-vu"

"Good idea for a list - hate to think of how much of my time has been wasted this way!"

"Movies to balance chick-flicks! I like it. Aside from Leia, Star Wars is quite male bias. "

"1. Gary Oldman 2. John Hurt 3. Johnny Depp 4. Kevin Spacey 5. Clint Eastwood 6. James Stewart 7. Alastair Sim 8. Alec Guinness 9. Jodie Foster 10. Geoffrey Rush"

"If ever a list needed examples/samples of their work, this is it!"

"Ok now I'm glad the UK has the Olympics next year!"

"Pictures not just of semi-clad women? Makes a nice change and gets my vote :)"

"I prefer shorthair myself, but think Mackenzi nailed it; a lot suit long hair!"

"No Star Wars?! And you only voted 5 stars for Kin-Dza-Dza? "

"Don't forget... Quincy (Medical Examiner) Rosemary & Thyme (Gardeners) Diagnosis Murder (Doctor) And how could you leave off Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes?"

"Totally agree with Film Ninja."

"Comments make this list - looking forward to a Masterpiece!"

"Seth - Call of Duty Olivia - Metal Gear Solid Morgan - First Person Shooters ("Sometimes we get so busy we don't even have time to play the games ourselves" hmmm) "

"How many Blue Eyes are in this list?!"

"You judge men based on: 5 Princes 1 Monster 1 Cat 2 Soldiers 1 Impoverished youth You are so watching the wrong films! Try Disney's Santa Clause. Divorced man, gains weight and beard, becomes addic"

"Boudica http://www.listal.com/movie/warrior-queen-1987 http://www.listal.com/movie/warrior-queen"