"Sophie Howard http://www.listal.com/viewimage/1011657"

"Phew, thought this might be a medical list, with the potential for a terrible sequel entitled "...Now Cough!""

"Credit where credits due, he did a new artwork every day for an entire year! So there is a lot more than those listed above, to be found here... http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=bibleartwork#g/u "

"Already done, but like your choice of images http://www.listal.com/list/tiny-stars "

"Will have good dreams about this one and suggest millions of brunettes tomorrow ;-)"

"The Usual Suspects and Irrรฉversible too"

"http://www.listal.com/movie/donnie-darko "

"Will Turner could be Luke Skywalker also because their fathers both went bad (piracy/dark side of force)."

"You'd hit her!? Tut, that's the youth of today for you. May I suggest counselling for your violent tendencies or at least a days voluntary service at a Woman's Refuge. Be a real man of the noughties"